Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seattle: Inspiration!!!

We've had some rare, sunny days in Seattle and some low 50's weather. It's been great! I had an evening where I had a lot of energy and not enough patience to sit down and knit (as is the usual outlet). So, I took a look at the patio and realized it was filthy! A fall and winter full of constant rain, city dirt, dust, plus all those dead plants I "forgot" to clean up, like I said I would do. But it seemed like quite a job and there are better things to do with my time, right? Wait... wait. Wait a second, what's that GREEN thing there? In February?!

Needless to say, my hydrangeas have sprouted!!!
So, I felt incredibly inspired and cleaned up the patio.

I re-purposed all the dirt to get it ready for the new growing season, cleaned out all the pots, composted the sticks and twigs leftovers, and swept the patio clean. It looks amazing!! In fact, I feel much less cluttered. And, not only that, I also found a little bud on my mint plant! I'm glad to know that's coming back seeing as my
summer lemonade will be SO much more tasty this way. So I filled up two aquaglobes with water to keep the green growing.

It has totally inspired me to start planning for the new growing year. In fact, when Devon and I first started planning I noticed that February is the month to start for some plants in Seattle, but that's like... potatoes. I called Matt, still in stupid SoCal, and he requested no less than 3 cilantro plants and some blueberries. Blueberries. Remember blueberries? I'll just have to get a healthier plant this time. His want for blueberries is so he can have snacks available while on the patio.

Not a huge update, but just wanted to fill you in on the amazing cleaning spree and the new green-- in FEBRUARY! Can't wait to see them grow.